Mintos is undoubtely the best European P2P investment marketplace comprising all kind of crowdlending operations, including P2P loans, P2B operations, crowdfactoring, invoice trading, mortgage loans and a wide array of loan originators from dozens of different countries which makes this platform the biggest and most diversified among all P2P investment sites.
Thanks to these characteristics, Mintos has gained the unconditional trust of almost 100.000 investors from more than 70 different countries earning an average of more than 11% annual net return.
All these features makes Mintos rank in TOP of our preferred P2P Lending Website List… Do you want to know all the details? Have a look at our review!
Your First Steps in Mintos Tutorial
Joining Mintos Investors Community is really easy, you just have to fill in the Investor Registration Form shown below, confirm your email address and make your first deposit. Registration is open for almost every country in the world… so there is really now excuse not to try this investment website.
Mintos Promo Code
Do you want earn an extra 1% for all your investments made the first three months? then you only need to click in any of our Mintos Links in this page to get this fabulous promotion! you don’t need to put any code in ‘Promo Code’ field as the promo is already included in the link (leave it blank).
How to Invest in Mintos 2024 (Updated!)
There are three main modes of investment in Mintos: Manual, Automatic and Investment Strategy… each one is more suitable for an specific type of investor… let’s have a quick look at how they work so that you can choose the one it suits you best!
➊ Manual Investment
You can manually invest in the Primary Markey or the Secondary Market (the Second Market is where investors sell their Primary Market loans to other investors). Investments start from 10 euros per loan and you can use all the filters that the platform provides to select exactly the ones that meet your criteria.
➋ Mintos Auto invest (Custom Strategy)
Mintos has a superb autoinvestment functionality that allows you to perfectly define all the criteria that you desire for your loans in terms of interest rate, loan term, diversification and much more. It is most probably the preferred way of investing in Mintos by the majority of users, and although it requires a little bit of configuration, after the initial set up it works by itself, with very little maintenance, selecting loans for us to invest automatically according to our preferences.
➌ Mintos Investment Strategies
Mintos Strategies works as a pre-generated Auto-Investment portfolio which aims to achieve one of the following goals:
▷ Short-term Investing: Invest only in short-term loans (less than 3 months).
▷ Maximize Diversification: Includes all loan types, loan originators and countries, maximazing diversification
▷ Secure Capital: Invests in loans guaranteed by collateral and LTV values less than 75%.
If you just don’t like to invest time configuring your own autoinvestment portfolio, the Diversified Strategy is a good all-round balanced portfolio that should achieve a decent annual return.
Mintos Secondary Market
Mintos has an extremely active and interesting secondary market, which provide us with the opportunity to sell our loan investment shares whenever we want and also give us the chance to find real bargains in terms of annual return.
With literally hundreds of thousands of loans to choose from, the Secondary Market is definitely not a functionality to miss, especially for the more seasoned P2P investors.
Is Mintos Safe?
Mintos is one of the P2P lending sites best regarded by the community, with very high scores in Trustpilot and good comments in most of the top influential P2P blogs.
With nearly 100.000 users trusting this Latvian platform there is no doubt it is a trustworthy and reliable company.
Mintos Opinion 2024 – Conclusion
Mintos is one of these pages that in our opinion as investors, must be in any crowdlending portfolio because of its size, leadership, annual returns and inmense diversification. It is just too good not to be in and it has many great features to become your number 1 P2P investment platform.
Benefits – Strong Points
❤ Enormous diversification including dozens of countries, loan originators and loan types and hundreds of thousands of operations to choose from.
❤ Buyback Guarantee included in most loans.
❤ Great annual returns, with an average of 11%
❤ Investments from just 10 euros per loan.
❤ Easy to use for beginners but with lots of advanced functionality for PROs.
❤ Great secondary market both for selling our investments quickly and for finding new bargains.
Disadvantages – Opportunities for Improvement
– It would be great to be able to make instant deposits with credit card, the same as in other investment websites like Bondora.
Mintos Promo Code 2024
If you are looking for a Mintos promotional code… look no further!, we have the best offer for new investors interested in taking part in Mintos in 2018: 1% bonus of all your investments the three first months in the platform.
What are you waiting for?… Take part now in the best crowdlending platform and take advantage of this great bonus!