Is it worth it? Is it reliable? Is it safe?… Do you want to know ALL our opinions after investigating and testing it from the inside?… Don’t miss our review!

RealT Review – Critical Performance Parameters Opinion and Analysis – Hexastar Chart
PROFITABILITY: The vast majority of properties available on the RealT marketplace move in the double-digit environment, taking into account only the income generated by rental -the main focus of the platform since it follows a model oriented to the exploitation of real estate- . If we add to this the theoretical revaluations over the years in the market, we have a quite attractive yield potential in theory.
SECURITY: As RealT is a platform focused on tokenized investment in real assets, all its operations implicitly have a property that supports them, which in this sense, and beyond factors beyond our control such as market conditions or the vicissitudes in crypto operations, the degree of security of our investments is similar to other secured crowdlending.
DIVERSIFICATION: Undoubtedly the greatest virtue in terms of diversification that RealT can bring us is access to a real estate market as “remote” and unusual for European investors as the US. However, this enormous potential is somewhat diminished by the relative scarcity at times of new projects to invest our funds.
LIQUIDITY: Despite the fact that on this platform the projects are naturally considered in the long term to maximize the income generated through the exploitation of the properties, the truth is that it has several liquidity channels for our investments, including the -infrequent on other platforms- option to sell our tokens back to the platform itself as well as the option to trade our crypto assets (the representative tokens of each property) in various external liquidity markets.
FUNCTIONALITY: Despite the enormous potential in terms of investment that RealT represents for crowdlending and real estate crowdfunding users, the truth is that tokenization, with all the small complexities that it entails for the novice, including the dependence on external wallets such as Metamask, the procedures in the platform’s native Gnosis chain, etc., as well as the presence of a somewhat outdated interface and the absence of a Spanish version, the truth is that they do not contribute much to the experience of the average user who is not entirely familiar with the world crypto. Still, the presence of extensive video tutorials and the option to create a Walletless portfolio – which removes the crypto part of the equation, at least in part – do point to progress in the right direction.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Real T has very good customer satisfaction scores in the usual aggregators and -in our personal experience- it has responded quickly and efficiently to the questions and incidents that we have raised.
Is RealT Marketplace Reliable or Not – Due Diligence Findings Is it safe?
*RealT is a trade name of RealToken Inc. with registration number F19000002568 and address 980 N Federal Hwy Ste 110, Boca Raton, Florida, 33432 , United States (United States)
* According to the databases consulted, the company falls within the Real Estate sector, has between 11 and 50 employees and profits of less than 5 million dollars.
*The main members of its staff include Remy Jacobson as Co-founder and Co-CEO, Jean Marc Jacobson as Co-founder and Co-CEO, Sherri Pelski as CFO and Compliance Manager and Michael Courvoisier as Chief Blockchain Officer, information that all coincides with the one extracted from their social media profiles.
With the information collected, there is no a priori reason to think that RealT is a scam.
Opinion P2P Crowdfunding Review
Advantages of Real T – Strengths
1) One of the few platforms available to invest in real estate with a focus on the passive generation of dividends through rentals.
2) It has the very interesting feature that it is one of the few platforms through which we can invest in American real estate.
3) Pioneer in the real asset tokenization sector with extensive experience behind her.
Weaknesses and Aspects to improve – Dashboard RealT .co Opinions
1) Pending evaluation of the portfolio and the performance of the long-term projects as the acquired properties are liquidated.
2) Despite the commendable and effective efforts of mentoring, help and initial training, the operation based on crypto tokens can be too great a barrier to entry for a wide sector of potential users.
3) Sometimes there are not many opportunities available in your marketplace and it can be difficult to diversify.
RealT Alternatives
Here are some alternatives to this real estate tokenization platform:
- Lofty AI : is a North American platform for investment in properties oriented to exploitation by renting from as little as 50 dollars per operation
- Reental: Real estate tokenization and real estate investment platform of reference in Spain, with a business model very similar to the pioneer RealT
- Propy : is a real estate page in which properties are sold as if they were NTFs, currently only open to the American market.
- Realblocks : Another US tokenization platform that is very popular among American managers.
Invest in Real Estate Crypto Tokens
When creating an account in RealT, the platform will offer us the option of creating it in WALLETLESS mode, that is, without having to depend on an external wallet to manage our funds (recommended for newbies BUT we lose direct control of our assets) or connect an external wallet, usually a Metamask.
Among the options offered by the connection of an external wallet such as Metamask, we will have to choose in RealT if we want to receive our dividends and capital in the Gnosis network (native blockchain of the platform) or claim them in the Ethereum network through a Vault (we must bear in mind that in this case, the commissions will be higher).
RealT Forum
Do you want to have a space to comment and share your doubts and experiences about this North American crowdlending platform?… Look no further! Here below we enable the Real-T Forum so that you can express yourself and ask freely … Write us your comment!