The vast majority of the loans are guaranteed Buyback repurchase and returns can reach 13.5%… Not bad as a cover letter, right ?, Do not miss our opinions and complete MEGAReview just below!🙂
ATTENTION: Join us and sign up NOW in this crowdlending platform using our exclusive link and you will get a 1% bonus of everything you invest the first 3 months.
What is Bondster Statistics and Global Data
Bondster is a marketplace of loans that is experiencing rapid growth in recent times, having already exceeded by far the 5,000 registered investors and 13 million euros in volume of business financed.
Its focus on infrequent markets in other platforms, such as Bulgaria or the Czech Republic, its good mix of assets, with various types of loans to invest in, its competitive buyback returns and its solid portfolio of more than a dozen Originators, make Bondster an investment website very to take into account to complete a well diversified crowdlending portfolio.
First Steps in Bondster
The registration in this Czech platform of crowdlending follows a standard process similar to that of other platforms, with an initial questionnaire and a first transfer of funds from a bank account in our name.
Requirements to create an investor account in Bonster
+ Any citizen of any nationality of legal age can invest in Bondster.
+ It is required to have a bank account in the European Union, although users of other nationalities – like our friends in Latin America – can also register by providing Bondster with the additional documentation – if applicable – that is requested in the registration process.
Steps to Open an Account in Bondster Crowdlending
➊ Fill in the initial registration form.
➋ Make the first contribution of funds to the bank account indicated (Bondster works with Komerční banka, as one of the main banks in the Czech Republic).
Deposits How to add funds to our Bondster account
At Bondster, we can make deposits in both euros and Czech crowns by bank transfer to the corresponding account indicated to us by Komerční banka, as (the Czech online bank with which this platform works).
It is important to include in the transfer the concept or purpose of payment indicated by the platform so that the funds are allocated without delay to our account. Normally within a period of one or two business days we will see the balance reflected in our investor account.
Bondster Promocode – Cashback Program
If you look at the Bondster registration form you will see a field called Bondster Promo Code. You don’t need ANY promo code to benefit from the best promo available right now:
You will take 1% of everything you invest during the first 3 months , this being the best bonus for new users that exists in Bondster at this time … Take advantage now and register from this link using the indicated Promocode.
How Bondster Works Commissions
Since March 2019, Bondster has absolutely no commission for the investments we make in euros. Investments in Czech crowns have a 1% commission for portfolio management
Both deposits and withdrawals are also free, so we can consider Bondster a platform “0,0”, free of commissions.
How to Invest in Bondster in 2024
At Bondster we have 2 main ways to invest. In the following sections we will describe each of them:
✰ Manual Investment from only 5 euros per loan.
✰ Automatic Investment through the functionality of Autoinvest.
Manual Investment Bondster Analysis – Most Important Parameters
Below we will discuss some of the most important parameters that define each of the operations published in Bondster
➊ State
At Bondster, we have operations from 4 different countries available to diversify , namely: Poland, Czech Republic, Russia and Bulgaria.
➋ Originator
Bondster has no less than 14 originators or credit institutions available in its marketplace, being one of the most complete crowdlending platforms in this regard. We will develop these collaborating companies one by one later in this article.
➌ Loan Type
If there is something for which Bondster also stands out, it is for the wide and varied type of operations that it offers us to invest: in its marketplace we will find from P2P loans to P2B loans through agricultural loans, loans with mortgage guarantee, etc. up to a total of 13 different types that we show you below:
➍ Guarantee
In Bondster the vast majority of loans have a Buyback Guarantee that works in a similar way to other platforms such as Mintos. Loans with this function appear with the shield icon (a) in the figure below. We will explain the details of the Buyback in a section later.
We will also see that in this column the symbols of a ticket (b) and an exit door (c) appear occasionally.
The loans that appear with a ticket (b) means that at ANY TIME we can make our investment liquid by selling our participation in the same (paying a penalty that is usually 1%, and is specified in any case in the loan data we want to sell).
The loans that appear with an exit door (c) means that we can exit the investment and recover our money (usually without penalty) after a minimum number of months specified in the loan file has elapsed (although the duration of the loan is longer ).
➎ Minimum Term
This parameter refers to the duration of the loan, but with a nuance: in loans with exit door (icon c of the previous section) is the minimum term that we must keep the loan before we can leave it.
Also, if a number (percentage) appears below the number of days or months of term, that percentage is the penalty that must be paid in case we leave early from the operation.
➏ Interest Rate
In Bondster you can obtain returns of up to 13.50% with Buyback, although it is always good to diversify and include several types of loans and originators in our portfolios.
➐ Filters
At the top of the loan list we will have access to the filters that will allow us to see only the operations that fit our investment style or what we are looking for at the moment. In DETAILED FILTERS, in addition, we will have at our disposal the complete list of parameters to define exactly the operations that we are looking for.
When we have clear the operation in which we want to take part, we will press the red INVEST button to go to the next screen.
➒ Specify the Amount to Invest
In the pop-up side window we will enter the amount we want to invest in the selected operation from 5 euros per transaction
➓ Mark and Confirm
The last step will be to check the box confirming that we have read the associated documentation and press the INVEST button … voila! We have already invested in our first loan.
Bondster How Autoinvest Works (Automatic Investment) – Step by Step Tutorial and Configuration
Bondster’s autoinverting functionality can be a bit confusing for newcomers to this platform, partly because it gives us too many options to configure it , and sometimes touching a parameter that is not really necessary can cause Autoinvest NOT to work the way we expect and that there is no loan available to invest.
In the next 15 steps we will show you how we have configured it and what problems may arise by enabling some of the optional parameters.
➊ The first step in defining our Autoinvest is to specify to the system how much “free” money we want to have in our account without investing after executing the Autoinvest. In many cases, if we do not want to invest in “manual” or plan to withdraw money in the short term, here we will put “0”.
➋ In the second step, we will simply name our self-investment portfolio (we can have several active at the same time, so this name must be unique).
➌ The third step is very important, but checking this information, we can see if everything is in order with our Autoinvest configuration: FOUND LOANS are the loans that fit with our configuration so far … If at any moment we see that it is “0” it is that there is probably something that we are not doing correctly.
➍ Percent of Asset is the% of our assets in Bondster that we want to allocate to this portfolio of Autoinvest (in Bondster we can have several configurations of Autoinvert at the same time , and thus, we can for example configure two different Autoinvest and tell the system that we want to each one manages 50% of our capital … or one 75% and the other 25%). If we do not want to complicate ourselves, and we are only going to use an Autoinvest, here we will put 100%.
➎ In this step we will define the amount to invest in each operation, from 5 euros per loan.
➏ When we finish the configuration of Autoinvest it is very important that we check that it is ACTIVE and not paused (if the Autoinvest is paused, it will be suspended and will not take new loans for our portfolio).
➐ In this row of the Autoinvest we have the parameters COUNTRY, ORIGINATOR and LOAN TYPE. We personally do not do any screening on any of these three filters, that is, we potentially invest in all countries, all originators and all types of loans to maximize our diversification.
➑ In this step we define the type of interest we are willing to accept. We at this point set a minimum of 10%.
➒ In term of maturity, we can specify, if we wish – we do not do it, for the sake of greater diversification – the minimum and maximum duration of the operations in which we want to invest . Beware of putting a “1” at least, because all loans that last days instead of months (which are a few) would be out of this Autoinvest. You can set a maximum and leave the minimum blank so that loans with a duration of less than one month also enter our basket.
➓ Collateral and LTV refer to guarantees and guarantees that are often used in mortgage loans and other types of loans with guarantees . Unless we know what we are doing and we have it clear, be very careful to mark something in these fields because then all the loans without guarantees (but with Buyback) or non-mortgage loans will NOT be taken in the Autoinvest. In case of doubts, the best, do not touch, we are going to define in the next step that we only want loans with Buyback …
➊➊ In this step we can specify that we want to invest ONLY in loans with Buyback by checking YES here (the vast majority of operations in Bondster have a Repurchase Guarantee, but it never hurts to make sure and mark this option).
➊➋ Investment Withdrawal and Exit max. fee refer to the loans that allow an early exit (that is, they do NOT block the capital until the conclusion of the operation) and the penalty that we are willing to pay. Marking something here or not depends on each one, but if we select any of these options, the available loans will go down radically. Unless we have very clear that it is very possible that we lack liquidity, it is probably best to leave it without selecting anything.
➊➌ In Loan Status, we believe it is important to select only PROPERLY PAID , so as not to enter into loans that are already delayed.
➊➍ In all the parameters of this row (frequency of payments, method of amortization, penalties and date of listing on the web) it is best not to select anything unless we are looking for something very specific . These are usually secondary parameters that can however substantially alter the amount of loans available in our Autoinvest portfolio.
➊➎ Finally, we will give the SAVE button and check that in the state it is ACTIVE (see step 6) , so that it is ready to buy loans for us.
Bondster Secondary Market and Liquidity
Bondster DOES NOT have a Secondary Market to buy and sell our shares to other users, but it does have, however, some of its loans opportunities to leave early , or even for some of the operations to sell at any time we want to pay a small penalty. Let’s see the details below:
➊ The first thing we must be clear about is whether our loans have the option to exit them early (exit door symbol next to the buyback symbol) or the option to sell them at any time (ticket symbol next to buyback symbol) ). In case you do not have any of these two symbols, we will have to wait until the end of it to unlock all our capital.
➋ In the operations that have the possibility of advance sale (symbol of the exit door) in this section we will see the sale of dates in which we can execute the exit (remember that if the loan has the symbol of the ticket, we can leave in any moment, but with the indicated penalty).
➌ If we are on the right dates, we will be enabled for the operation in which we are the EXIT OF INVESTMENT button (sell the loan) and we can leave early.
Bondster Buyback Repurchase Guarantee
The vast majority of loans in Bondster have Buyback (check that it has a shield along with the profitability it offers, as we have already mentioned).
The Repurchase Guarantee on this platform is executed at 30 or 60 days (depending on the Originator, you can check the details of each loan) and always return capital and interest.
Bondster Crowfunding originators
Bondster is a very complete marketplace for loans, which already has more than a dozen credit originators, among which are:
ACEMA Credit Czech is one of the most important credit institutions in the Czech Republic, operational since 2000 and fully regulated by the Czech Central Bank since 2018.
Bankometr is an entity of the Czech Republic that specializes in long-term business loans, established in 2013 and with its operations usually guaranteed by properties and the like.
Bez Banky sro is a Czech company created in 2010 that specializes in P2B loans to short-term businesses – typically between 4 and 8 months – with guarantees.
Kviku is a registered trademark of the parent company AirLoans LLC, which is a Russian originator created in 2013 that has experienced rapid growth in recent years focused on consumer loans in Russia, Kazakhstan and Spain.
Lime Kredyt is the Polish subsidiary of the Russian group Lime Credit Group, created in 2013 and specializing in very short-term loans in Poland, South Africa and Mexico.
MaxCredit and its subsidiary B & G Credit OOD is a Bulgarian Credit Originator founded in 2011 and specialized in consumer loans. All your loans are offered with Buyback in Bondster.
Mikrokasa SA is a Polish non-bank credit institution created in 2016 specializing in personal loans denominated in Polish Zlotys.
Net Gotówka is a Polish Originator specializing in consumer loans and payroll advances that has been in the private sector for more than five years.
Omnigrant is a Poland Originator specializing in consumer loans that integrates 3 Polish credit entities with more than 100 employees on staff.
Stik-Credit is an important provider of consumer loans in Bulgaria, created in 2013 and having already financed almost 20,000 operations since its inception of activities more than five years ago.
Yaris sro is a credit institution in the Czech Republic with almost two decades of experience in the loan sector (founded in 1999) specializing in secured loans.
Bondster Crowdlending Cash Withdrawals
Bondster allows the withdrawal of the available balance of our account at any time, from a single euro cent and without any cost to us. Usually the order is processed very quickly, and in one or two business days we will have the money back in our bank account.
Is Bondster safe? Risks and Regulation
Bondster is a registered company in the Czech Republic almost five years ago, specifically in June 2014, with registration number 03114147.
In the same way as other crowdlending platforms that we have commented on this page, Bondster gives us the possibility of earning an interesting return on our savings, but as with any investment, we must be aware of the risks involved and the actions of Bondster to mitigate them. Let’s see some of them:
Risk of Lack of Liquidity
Liquidity is always a factor to be taken into account in crowdlending , given that normally our capital is blocked -at least partially- until the end of the operation in which we invest.
In Bondster the average term of the loans ranges from less than one month to more than a year, but it is usually a platform with a relatively short time horizon compared to other websites, with an average of about 6 months .
Although it does not have a secondary market , some Bondster operations (the merchandise with the exit door symbol) allow an early exit by selling our shares to the platform, and others (those marked with the ticket symbol) allow us to obtain liquidity in any moment paying a small penalty – usually 1% –
Risk of non-payment of loans by borrowers
One of the relatively frequent risks faced by crowdlending in general is the non-payment of the loans in which we invest by the borrowers.
To combat this problem, the vast majority of transactions that Bondster publishes in its marketplace have a Repurchase Guarantee (shield symbol).
The Buyback is usually activated at 30 or 60 days – depending on the Originator – and returns us invested capital and interest due in that particular operation.
Bankruptcy risk of one of the Originators
Although this is a very unlikely eventuality, any crowdlending investor must take into consideration at least the possible bankruptcy of any of the Originators or Credit Institutions that publish their loans in Bondster, which could affect the Repurchase Guarantee or the loans that Let’s have that Originator.
In its FAQ Bondster emphasizes the emphasis it makes on choosing only credit issuers of the highest confidence, which guarantees that the chances of a serious incident occurring with one of these Originators is very remote. In case there is a problem, Bondster will take over the Originator’s loans published on its platform and manage payments to investors.
In any case, as investors, it is always a good practice to diversify our capital among as many Originators as possible.
Bonster Web Ergonomics and Reports
Bondster has a modern, friendly and easy to navigate web , with the information presented in a clear way and the important actions easy to locate and act on them. A pity, that yes, that still is not translated into Castilian.
If we carry out the study that we usually carry out about how many clicks are necessary to perform some of the most basic actions in the platform, we obtain the following results:
★★★ 3 clicks to invest in one of the loans.
★★ 2 clicks to see the status of one of the projects in which we have invested.
★★★ 3 clicks to withdraw money.
Which is in line with the average of the rest of crowdlending platforms.
Bondster Annual Return Real Expected
✰ Bondster has an average gross return of approximately 12 % , depending on the type of loan and the credit quality of the borrower
✰ It does not present management fees for loans denominated in EUR, nor any other type of commissions for other basic operations.
✰ With a Buyback Guarantee on the vast majority of your loans, we estimate that there should be NO profitability losses due to defaults in a correctly diversified portfolio.
✰ The estimated annual average net profitability, therefore, is 12% base less (0)% of losses and commissions = 12% net annual for a well-diversified portfolio in the long term , which is slightly above the average of platforms of crowdlending evaluated on this web.
Taxation Bondster Marketplace sro – Tax Retention and Taxation Tax
Bondster DOES NOT practice any withholding of interest earned on its platform. It is our responsibility to declare them in the IRPF / Annual Income Tax Return. Remember that the interests of crowdlending are taxed as return on movable capital. In case of doubts, please consult with a tax advisor.
Bondster P2P Lending – Contact Information and Customer Service
Bondster has its headquarters in Prague (Czech Republic) and offers both a contact telephone number (+420283061555) and an email (
In our experience, all inquiries and incidents are dealt with quickly and efficiently, presenting a very good level of Customer Service.
The Team behind the Company
Bondster is a thriving Czech Fintech company led by a strong team of professionals with many years of experience in the financial sector. These are the most prominent members of your team:
Michal Ondrýsek
CEO of Bondster. He studied in Australia, where he also obtained his first work experience in investment banking. He also worked as a commodity trader in London.
Michael März
He is the Director of the Back Office and Customer Care Support, and the main responsible for the technical communication with investors and suppliers. He has been working in the P2P sector for more than 5 years.
Filip Čermák
He is the director of Bondster Operations. He has more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector with a focus on retail banking and loans. In recent years, he has participated in several important start-up projects in the financial sector.
Jana Mücková
Relations Manager Directs an international team responsible for the acquisition of new suppliers. He studied at two prestigious Asian universities and previously obtained work experience in banking and export support. She is also a leading economist at Bondster.
Petra Bodnárová
She is a Backoffice specialist. Petra serves the Bondster investors, their requests and inquiries. You can contact Petra by phone, email or online chat. Petra has acquired her work experience abroad, specifically in China and the United Kingdom.
Artem Frolov
Artem is the Chief Risk Analyst. Manages the process of incorporating new suppliers and carries out the complete Due Diligence process. He has acquired his work experience as a portfolio manager and investment analyst.
Omirbek Azbekov
Junior Risk Analyst Responsible for the Communication and Development of Relations with Collaborators and Affiliation Network. Analyze financial data from suppliers for the Due Dilligence Department. He has acquired work experience in a brokerage company in Kazakhstan.
Is Bondster reliable?
Bondster Marketplace is a company that is slowly gaining the hearts of European investors. The truth is that in recent months it is improving and gaining popularity quickly and in the short term it can become one of the main European P2P investment platforms .
We have not detected any complaint or relevant incident about this company, which usually has good comments from its users.
Our Personal Investment Strategy at Bonster
✰ Autoinvest: In Bondster we invest in automatic, given that the wide offer and the low amounts per transaction that allows us does not justify the manual investment in our opinion.
✰ Only loans with Buyback: Although most Bondster loans have a Buyback Guarantee, we in our Autoinvestment explicitly include the condition that in order to invest in an operation this must have Buyback.
✰ Minimum return 10%: To avoid lower yield loans, we specify a minimum of 10% return on our Autoinvest portfolio.
✰ Diversification above all: In the configuration of Autoinvest, except for the nuances indicated above, and the investment in loans to the stream of payments, we DO NOT limit the Originators, Countries, Types of Loans or other secondary parameters in order to obtain the maximum possible diversification.
Opinion Bondster 2024 – Final Conclusion
Bondster is undoubtedly a marketplace of crowdlending that surprises by its diversity and performance and that has a very remarkable improvement trajectory in recent months, being already at the height of the leading group and wanting to become one of the major European references of the sector in the medium term.
With the recent elimination of commissions on loans in euros, and the increase in profitability in transactions with Buyback up to 13.5% , it undoubtedly becomes a serious candidate to integrate the portfolio of platforms of practically any investor in participative loans.
Advantages of Bondster – Strengths
➊ Returns on loans with repurchase guarantee up to 13.5%
➋ Wide diversification with more than a dozen Originators to choose from.
➌ Minimum investment from only 5 euros per operation, less than most crowdlending platforms.
➍ Company of the Czech Republic that offers variety in front of the massification of Baltic companies (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) in our portfolio.
Weaknesses and Aspects to improve
➊ Although the web is generally easy to use, the Autoinvest is not as intuitive to configure as we would like.
Alternatives to Bondster Review
Bondster is a marketplace of crowdlending very competo. Of course there are alternatives in the P2P market that offer performance characteristics and functionality more or less even, but Bondster provides as a differential element as is its Czech origin, which allows us to diversify our portfolio of the Baltic platform horde that manages the landscape of the Peer to European Peer Lending.
Very interesting complement to other TOP platforms such as Mintos, Grupeer, Viventor or IUVO.
Bondster Forum
Do you want to have a space to comment and share your doubts and experiences about this Czech crowdlending platform? … Look no further, here below we enable the Bondster Forum so you can express yourself and ask freely … Write us your comment! 🙂