Afranga is the new Bulgarian platform created in 2021 and focused on the Originator Stikcredit, an old acquaintance in marketplaces such as Mintos, Viventor or Bondster . In this review we share all our opinions as users of it from day 1… Don’t miss it!

Afranga Review – Critical Performance Metrics Opinion and Analysis
PROFITABILITY: Afranga bets strongly in its launch for a very high profitability (around 17% – 18% per year) supported by a full Buyback, a pair that long ago was the perfect couple in the sector. Undoubtedly, everything indicates that it will be a platform that will try to differentiate itself by offering a clearly above-average performance.
RISK: When we talk about risk in Afranga, for the moment -as long as it remains a mono-originator platform- the focus will be on the solvency of Stikcredit, undoubtedly a company with volume and trajectory (8 years in the business with more than 30 million euros originated in Bulgaria). Stikcredit is generally regarded as a medium-high quality originator compared to other originators listed on marketplaces such as Mintos, etc. By the way, the Originator has a 10% Skin in the Game (own funds) in each of the published loans. We can always check your latest financial reports and decide for ourselves at
CONFIDENCE: Afranga is a brand belonging to Stik Credit JSC, so in this sense we are certain that it is the official website of Stikcredit. Obviously there is hardly any history of Afranga as a crowdlending marketplace but there is a five and a half history of the Bulgarian credit operator to which it belongs, giving us in this sense more confidence than a platform just created from scratch.
DIVERSIFICATION: Despite offering a significant volume of operations of different maturities and types to internally diversify our investment within the platform, as it is a mono-originator platform exclusively dependent -at least for the moment- on Stikcredit, it does not obtain an excessively high score in this category.
LIQUIDITY: Despite not yet having a secondary market – its implementation is scheduled for the next few months – it is not difficult to find in Afranga loans with a maturity of one month or even less, so it is relatively easy to focus on very short investments. relatively liquid term. In addition, depending on the situation, Afranga currently offers an early exit option to exit our investments early by writing to their contact email (
Afranga Marketplace P2P Review Stik Credit Review
Advantages of Afranga – Strengths
➊ Average net profitability well above the market today, with returns of 17% or 18% per year
➋ Originator with a long history and considerable volume, being a regular in the main crowdlending marketplaces.
➌ High volume of short or very short term operations.
Weaknesses and Aspects to improve – Opinions
➊ Mono-originator platform: its performance and reliability depends exclusively on the solvency of its Originator (Stikcredit)
➋ Platform of relatively recent creation, without too long a history to evaluate its long-term performance.
➌ It does not yet have a secondary market, although a priori it offers early-exit manually.
Afranga Forum
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